
Whilst I waited for my sister at the airport yesterday, I managed to keep myself busy by defiling someone's hard work. I wonder if people would read a blog entirely dedicated to something like this. Would you?

UPDATE: After receiving an "anonymous" threatening e-mail, I feel as though I am now obligated to tell you that it was my Dad's idea to begin drawing on airport newspapers while we waited for my sister, not mine. I am truly sorry.

I stumbled across some of my old sketchbooks the other day and thought it might be cool to put a few sketches up here on the site every week.

Benjamin Franklinstein: Rough design for an animated series idea I had a while back.
Abraham Lincoln: This wasn't for anything in particular, I just love drawing Abraham Lincoln.
Raccoon X. Espanosa: Espanosa is a character from my animated series "Waterman".

Bryan Waterman